The story of a big bubble butt on a fun-loving gay jock geek in NYC, Artist (painter), Actor (comic), Author (books), and Ass. Yes, the photo in the profile is me. To contact me, Twitter is best (see link below). I'd love to hear from you. And if you REALLY want to impress me, buy something from my WishList (also in my profile). Yes, I'm easily impressed. :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Ass Grab

The ass grab has got to be the sexiest thing I can think of when walking around with a man I'm dating.  I'm not sure why (a feeling of being owned/taken care of/loved?) but when a guy just casually reaches around and holds onto my peach I suddenly get all fuzzy.

I think there's been more than a few guys that have discovered this little secret about me, and have used it to good effect (when maybe I'm not having the best sort of day).

I'm not sure how much more I really can add to this, but just a word to the wise: grab his ass, men. If he doesn't like it, he's probably not all that committed to you anyhow or dealing with some internalized homophobic demons jumping around in his head.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, I love grabbing my mans ass in public
